Just wow. I did not know anything about the movie when I promptly flipped a coin & decided to head out to the theater. What a surprise... Some erotic scenes, some of the most thrilling and hallucinatory images and much suspens. The whole concept is crazy as fuck and I like plots.
WEDD 2017版:
虽然囿于雷公高龄之下略保守的创作视角但当前两幕缓缓落下褪去了男性符号的血与火第三幕里的玛格丽特整个人顿时焕发出了让人夺目的理性、感性以及珍贵的人性--即使这一切都是从过往的历史观出发被浓厚的女性时代悲剧色彩所涂抹 以及在罗生门的叙事结构之下这场i got a boy舞蹈教学有着惊人的说服力、情感基础和戏剧张力 最后的最后即使时代赋予玛格丽特的属性永远只是男人的财产但是她仍能一直恪守住那仅有的一丝尊严 ps:精良的制作瞬间梦回天国王朝…
quite sure what's going on here, but the only thing can do is just wait and watch it happen. inevitable horror.
我完全不知道在讲什么i got a boy舞蹈教学也不喜欢看到熟知的演员变成黑白影像我喜欢好莱坞电影但对30年代好莱坞没有一丝兴趣